▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

España Not recognized by the FCI

The Majorero is affectionate with their masters, Sometimes something distant.

Bardino Majorero
Bardino Majorero – Addi12, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons



The Majorero dog (or Bardino Majorero) is a Spanish breed of dog, originally from the island of Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands, where he is referred to in popular form as Dog Bardino. Currently, It is a race dog is in danger of extinction. Traditionally, It has been used as a cattle dog and especially as a watchdog.

The first cattle dogs arrived in Fuerteventura with the conquerors of Spain, along with cattle beef, sheep and horse year 1404. Various historical references attest to this origin. Cattle dogs, Dam dogs, perdigueros dogs, the podencos, and other races, they were introduced in the Canary Islands as they were conquered and colonized by Spain.

Since the early days of colonization, in the agreements of the Cabildos of Betancuria (Fuerteventura) and Tenerife is repeatedly referred to "cattle dogs", to the "dogs of prey", to the "retrievers", and "hunting dogs".

In 1979, held in Gran Tarajal, in the municipality of Tuineje, the first monograph of the race bringing together farmers, experts and judges, being the beginning of the process for the recognition of the breed by the Royal Canine society of Spain, Thanks to the work of recovery and dissemination of the race by the protective society of Bardino (S.P.B.) Fuerteventura Island.

But, is not to the 14 in April of 1994 When the Royal Canine society of Spain recognized finally to the «Asociación Canaria Protectora del Perro Majorero Toto». Is this recognition and to the first five years of the new century, When the majorera race enters a deep decline in the island, that he takes it to the brink of extinction. There was no specific breeding and selection plan that would change the fate of the Perro Bardino Majorero. Existing speculation had also diminished racial quality..

Currently has founded the «Asociación para la Conservación del Perro Majorero» (ACPM), He was born as an initiative from the hands of several breeders, owners and enthusiasts, with the aim of safeguarding and promoting the survival of Perro Bardino Majorero.

Video "Majorero"


Some of its objectives, How to get started to cement the hobby by this breed of dog in the island of Fuerteventura, they are getting.

The Majorero Cattle Dog, as we know it today, was the result of the crossing of dogs brought by the Spanish conquistadors, with tenants.

These dogs, for almost six hundred years have been essential partners of farmers and peasants majoreros. As a company, guardians of houses, farm and livestock.

  • Otros nombres: Majorero / Bardino Majorero

Physical characteristics

The Majorero It is a dog of medium size and robust. The standard marks a height to the cross of 57 to 63 cm in males, the females are slightly smaller and its height is of 55 to 61 cm.. In both sexes, there is a margin of tolerance of 2 cm above or below. The weight of the males is of 30 to 45 kg, and in females in 25 to 35 Kg.

The fur is soft and short hair, the hair color is Jet Black with beige and grey which gives the tone striped. A curious feature of the breed is that they are the single or double spurs on the hind legs. They often have white spots on extremities, referred to in shoes, and from the lower lip to the chest, Sometimes the belly. The hair should be of medium length, soft, and with subpelo.

The skin should be thick and loose, especially in the dorsal part of the dog.

Character and skills

They have a very strong temperament, and that makes them dangerous to strangers who roam without warning in the territories they take care of...

Traditionally (and now), in the Canary Islands has been used for saves and conduction of the goats, sheep and cattle, and as guardian in country houses and estates. In the past, by his bellicose nature was used as a dog fight, and it is often crossed with dogs of prey. It is affectionate with their masters, Sometimes something distant, and he likes to be with children, to protect as if they were her pups and tolerate their own age cruelties. It is not a submissive dog, quite the contrary.

In the news, tends to be used as a watchdog, in villas, farms, industrial estates, etc. It is an active dog who is always alert distrustful by nature is, very territorial with other dogs.

His gaze is serious, but not severe, is of few friends. It is a very confident dog, and a correct and coherent education is essential when it is used as a companion dog, because it is very independent, and you need that they mark clear guidelines.

Images of the "Majorero"

Videos of the "Majorero"

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound
Francia FCI 325 - Medium-sized Hounds

Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound

The Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound It is not a dog that adapts to life in an apartment if there is no way for it to release its great energy..



The breed had been around for a long time and various dog lovers like Mr M. Légeron, A. Rivot porthole, Willekens, Gairal, Daubigné had tried in vain to have it officially recognized.

Hare hunters had created this small order dog from medium-sized French breeds: Porcelaine, Gascon Saintongeois, Poitevin hound in crossbreeding with English dogs like him Beagle, several varieties of Harriers, even the little one English Foxhound. The objective of these crosses was to improve the construction of their dogs and thus increase the speed and attitude to take.

In any case it is a typical French hunting dog, in which English blood also flows. In 1957 the first official recognition of the breed took place in France, followed by the FCI in 1978.

Photo: Anglo-français de petite vénerie by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons

Características físicas «Sabueso anglo francés mediano»

The Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound – or also called Anglo-Français de Petite Vénerie – He is of medium size and a dog with a powerful constitution, but it never seems heavy. In its appearance it reminds of the dogs of the French pack. According to the breed standard, the head should be long and not too wide. The hair is short, thick and smooth and can be two or three colors (white and orange or black, white with brown).

The eyes are large and soft but lively in expression.. The ears located under the line of the eyes are soft, slightly turned inwards and medium in size. The tail is of medium length and quite thin. The limbs are strong, with straight and broad forequarters in profile and muscular hindquarters with low set hocks.

Carácter y aptitudes «Sabueso anglo francés mediano»

The Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound is described as balanced and bold, independent, smart and leader, proud and trustworthy. He is affectionate and loyal to his owners. But, adult dogs are suspicious of strangers.

These dogs today make up the vast majority of hare and fox hunting packs.. But shooters increasingly appreciate its fine-nosed qualities., resistance, good throat, easy to put on, wise in the hunt and in the kennel.

In the last twenty years, The number of Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hounds medium has improved both in quality and quantity. But, the breeders, and buyers in particular, they must register their dogs with the LOF (Central Canine Society) to better control the selection.

Actividades y ejercicio con el «Sabueso anglo francés mediano»

This dog loves to move, needs a lot of exercise and wants to work. You have to spend about four hours a day intensely with him. The breed is suitable for training as a hunting dog, but also for various dog sports. Keeping the dog in the house is strongly discouraged: The Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound necesita y quiere mucho espacio y le gustaría tener acceso libre al jardín también fuera de las «horas de paseo».

Educación del «Sabueso anglo francés mediano»

To the Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound he likes to learn, he is submissive and also has an intelligent mind. But, has a strong hunting instinct, so your education should start soon and therefore, cualquier «rareza» que este perro adquiera en su juventud debe solucionarse ya que es difícil de corregir más tarde.

Cuidados y salud del «Sabueso anglo francés mediano»

The short and dense coat of this dog does not require any special care, cleans itself almost by itself. Its legs, However, should be checked regularly. Especially when used as a hunting dog, injuries and problems are more likely to occur.

In rare cases there is a tendency to osteoarthritis and bone tumors.

Images "Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound"


1 – Anglo-français de petite vénerie, op der Haard, Diddeleng by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons
2 – Anglo-français de petite vénerie, Kackeschbësch, Éiter by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons
3 – Anglo-français de petite vénerie by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons
4 – Anglo-français de petite vénerie, 7 months, Wesley by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons
5 – Anglo-français de petite vénerie (white and black with pale tan markings) three and four months old puppies. by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons
6 – Anglo-français de petite vénerie by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons

Videos "Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound"

Anglo Français de petite vénerie
le repas

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Group 6: Scent hounds, and related breeds. – Section 1.2: Medium-sized Hounds.
  • Central Canine Society

FCI breed standard "Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Sabueso para la caza menor.

General appearance:

Este es un perro de configuración sólida y equilibrada, no appearance of heaviness. In profile, su silueta debe ser la de un perro francés bien estructurado.

Behavior / temperament:



Es alargada y no muy ancha. La protuberancia occipital es poco acentuada.

Cranial region:
  • Skull : Slightly convex, sin ser abombado.
  • Depression links (Stop) : Bit strong.

facial region:

  • Truffle : Bien pigmentada ; the Windows are wide open.
  • Snout : Medianamente alargado y de una apariencia un poco puntiaguda; la caña nasal es recta o ligeramente arqueada.
  • Belfos : The upper lip covers the lower lip.
  • Eyes : Large, browns. Your expression is sweet, but lively.
  • Ears : Se insertan delicadamente por debajo de la línea del ojo. They are flexible, ligeramente torcidas, de anchura mediana y llegan por lo menos a dos dedos del nacimiento de la trufa.


Loose, without jowl.


  • Back : Strong and straight.
  • Pork loin : Quite short and muscular.
  • Rump : Ligeramente inclinada y bastante larga.
  • Breast : Está bien desarrollado. Es bien descendido y llega por lo menos hasta la punta del codo. Costillas son largas y medianamente redondeadas.
  • Flanks : Son bastante macizos y algo levantados, pero sin aspecto agalgado.


De longitud mediana y bastante delgada. Está bien insertada en el prolongamiento de la línea del lomo. It is covered by abundant hair, sin ser espigada (hacia la punta y alrededor de la cola, unos pelos más largos y gruesos ligeramente distantes en forma de espiga.)


PREVIOUS MEMBERS : Seen in profile, they are strong, anchos y rectos.

  • Shoulder : Los omóplatos son largos, planos y oblicuos. Están bien aplicados al pecho.


  • Thigh : Es musculoso y bien inclinado.
  • Hock : Ligeramente acodado y se presenta cerca del suelo.

FEET : Son delgados y compactos.




SKIN : It's fine, without folds; los tejidos son densos.

HAIR : Is short, apretado y liso.


• Tricolor : Blanco y negro con color fuego subido (la trufa es negra).
• Blanco y negro con color fuego pálido (la trufa es negra).
• Bicolor : White and orange (la trufa es de color tabaco).

Size and weight:

Height to the cross : Of 48 to 56 cm.. Con una tolerancia mínima y máxima de 2 cm en los ejemplares excepcionales.


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..

• En general, todos los defectos comunes en los sabuesos.
• Cabeza muy corta o muy ancha.
• Cráneo redondo.
• Trufa despigmentada en forma de manchitas.
• Hocico cuadrado.
• Upper or lower prognathism.
• Belfos demasiado acentuados.
• Ojos prominentes, light eyes.
• Orejas de implantación muy alta, wide, cortas o muy planas.
• Neck too short, presencia de papada.
• Cuerpo cilíndrico.
• Hombros pesados.
• Cola gruesa,y corta o espigada.
• Tejidos de la piel flojos.

Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..


Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Anglo-Français de Petite Vénerie (English).
2. Anglo-français de petite vénerie (French).
3. Anglo-Français de petite vénerie (German).
4. Anglo-Français de petite vénerie (Portuguese).
5. Sabueso anglo francés de tamaño mediano, Anglo-francés para la caza menor, Anglo-francés de tamaño medio (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Estados Unidos FCI 243 . Nordic Sledge Dogs

Alaskan Malamute

The Mally he has a reputation for being stubborn and difficult to train among people who do not know him.


Characteristics "Mally"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Mally" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Historia «Alaskan Malamute»

Also called Alaskan Malamute, Dog is a native of the Arctic, and one of the oldest breeds in the sled dogs.

It's a dog with a strong appearance, strong, with good musculature. It is capable of carrying significant weight (until 20 kg) for tens of kilometres. This is a very ancient race, from the first races of sled dogs.

The Mally He was raised by a tribe of Inuit call mahlemiut. The meaning of the word mahle is unknown, pero se sabe que miut significa «pueblo de». Mahlemiut as Mahle people can therefore be interpreted. Following the English phonetics, the diction is then transformed into Malamute.

The area inhabited by the people of the Malamute were the banks of the Kotzebue Sound, a territory between two great rivers: the Kobuk and the Noatak. Men and women of the tribe of the mahlemiut (MALAMUTE) they were highly prized amongst other inuit tribes for their courage, his pride and his skill in hunting and fishing.

These dogs were famous for their beauty and for their characteristics of strength and endurance., that made them excellent elements for shooting. They were, in general, larger and more powerful than the other Nordic dogs, with similar in appearance to the Wolf and large and soft tails carried on the back. Contemporary witnesses tell it between 1870 and 1880 approximately, caribou, for unexplained reasons, they changed their usual migratory routes, thus depriving the Malamute tribes of an important source of livelihood.

Under these conditions, families could no longer afford to keep groups of dogs made up of more than two or three dogs.: testimonies of the time talking about men, women and even children helped their dogs to pull the sledges. So the population began to decline and the same fate befell their dogs.

His ability to bear heavy loads becomes apparent when he is chosen to go on expeditions to the Arctic Circle., as the two made Admiral Byrd. They were also used as a rescue of injured dog in World War II.

His presence, always with the head-up, It gives some impressive aspect that, However, It is not at odds with a very friendly and playful character with their owners, Although it gives the impression of being a very serious dog anyone that knows no race.

Read all about the race: Alaskan Malamute

Type and recognitions:

  • Group 5 / Section 1, Nordic Sledge Dogs

Alternative names

1. Alaskan Malamute, Mal, Mally (English).
2. Malamute de l’Alaska (French).
3. Alaskan Malamute (German).
4. (Portuguese).
5. Alaskan malamute (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Italia FCI 65 . Bichons

The Maltese is very sensitive, and you prefer a home that is stable.

Bichón Maltés


Characteristics "Maltese"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Maltese" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Maltese It is a canine breed that has existed since ancient times and was already widespread in Mediterranean cultures.. But, contrary to what its name might suggest, its exact origin remains uncertain, but it seems to come from one of the countries of the Mediterranean basin. Along its history, it has been given many names, as Melitae Dog, Ye Ancient Dogge of Malta or Maltese Lion Dog. But, Today it is mainly known as Maltese or Maltese dog.

Archaeological finds tend to confirm that the Maltese it even existed in ancient egypt. In fact, in a tomb dating from the reign of Ramses II (1304 a.C. to 1214 a.C.) a statuette was found representing a dog that looks like him in everything. So, we can assume that the Egyptians considered it a sacred animal.

Maybe because, like Europeans later, they thought it was capable of curing diseases, or at least they discovered that he was able to calm the sick by snuggling up next to them.

They weren't the only ones who honored him, since the Greeks also built graves for their deceased dogs. The dog was also found in ancient Greece, to the point that the famous philosopher Aristotle (384 a.C. – 322 a.C.) mentioned it in his zoological work History of animals. He mentioned a breed of small dog that he called in Latin canes melitenses, What does "Maltese dog" mean?.

Before the beginning of the Christian era, Maltese was also very popular with the Romans. Many noblewomen owned one and never went out without it.. They wore it on the bodice or sleeve, as a jewel or an accessory. This trend continued well beyond ancient Rome.

In the 1st century, Roman Emperor Claudius (10 a.C. – 54 d.C.) he was probably the most famous Maltese owner. Regarding St. Publius (33 d.C. – 112 d.C.), Roman governor of Malta who owned a Maltese named Issa, asked the poet Marcial to write a eulogy for his dog, what he did in his Epigrams collection.

The Maltese came to the British Isles during the reign of Henry VIII (1491-1547), and there he also became very popular among the upper classes, especially among women, who used him as a companion and lap dog. It was appreciated for its beauty, while its small size allowed them to easily carry it on their blouses. It was especially adopted by Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603).

Although it survived many wars and conflicts over the years, the breed was about to disappear around the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, after unfortunate attempts to miniaturize it to the maximum. To save her it was necessary to cross with the Poodle, Small Spaniels and Asian Miniature Dogs.

Despite its success and presence in many countries, the breed was not introduced to North America until the 19th century. However, one of its representatives (white) was present at the first dog show in the history of the United States, the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, which was held for the first time in 1877. There it was shown with the name of Maltese Lion Dog.

The breed was soon recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), already in 1888. But, was not up 1948, 60 years later, when the other most important canine organization in the country, el United Kennel Club (UKC), he did the same. But, American organizations were more active than the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), who waited until 1955 to recognize the Maltese.

Physical characteristics

They weigh between 1,8 and 4 kg. Being the maximum weight in adulthood of 3 kg in females and 4 kg in males. Its height is of 20 to 25,5 cm., and they have a compact body.

The Maltese it is a small dog with a noble and elegant appearance, and a fluid and graceful walk.

Your body is well proportioned, his chest is quite deep and his ribs are well sprung.

Like other Spitz breeds, its tail curves between the hips until it touches the rump. Carries high and can be curved sideways.

The head is proportional to the size of the body. The skull is slightly rounded and quite wide between the ears. The ears are set low and triangular in shape. The eyes are round and dark brown, with a soft but alert look. The eyelids conform to the eyeball and are pigmented black. The muzzle is fine, average length, and ends in a black nose.

The coat of the Maltese It is thick, shiny and silky. No undercoat, but a layer of long straight hair all over the body, no waves or curls. On the sides, hangs to the ground, which almost gives the impression that the dog is floating.

The fur is white, but a shade of ivory and lemon strokes are allowed. Until the end of the 19th century, it was even possible to use other coat colors. But, at that time, all colors other than solid white were deprecated, so breeders focused solely on individuals with white fur.

As they have no undercoat and shed relatively little, Maltese are often considered a hypoallergenic breed. Although none of them are hypoallergenic, they are usually well tolerated by people allergic to dogs. However, This does not exempt any potential adopter who suffers from this allergy from carrying out a test in real conditions before taking the step..

Last, sexual dimorphism is not very pronounced in this breed: males and females are about the same size.

Some breeders offer the Maltese miniature, whose weight is around 2 kg, or even less. These dogs not only don't conform to the breed standard, Rather, this extreme miniaturization is often accompanied by genetic problems and, in general, health risks. So, you better stay away from them.

In comparison to the Yorkshire Terrier or the Chihuahua, the Maltese you are not as likely to have fingernails or other diseases that can shorten your life.


Still today, the Maltese it is still very popular and is present all over the world.

In United States, is around the post 30 (out of a total of 195) in the breed ranking established by the American Kennel Club (AKC) according to the number of births registered each year in the organization. But, this marks a steady decline from, at least, early 21st century, when I was about the twentieth position.

At the same time, on the other hand, has greatly increased its popularity in the UK: while in the middle of the decade of 2000 there were some 400-500 Annual Kennel Club Enrollments, This figure is around the 1100, and has been fairly stable since 2012.

The situation is different in France, since the number of annual entries in the French Origin Book (LOF) almost never stopped increasing for at least half a century. He was in his early twenties 70, a quarantine at the end of this decade, and then multiplied by ten during the 80, until exceeding 400. The trend continued over the years 90, until it stabilized around the 600 at the end of the decade and, Therefore, at the beginning of the 21st century. This trend continued until the decade of 2010, characterized by an increase in 50%, ending with more than 900 births per year.

In Switzerland, it is the 13th most popular breed in the country. There are more than 7000 people registered in the Swiss Amicus database.

Did you know??

The sweet little one Maltese dog is the favorite of celebrities, including Halle Berry, Heather Locklear y Eva Longoria. Could it be because they are so adorable in photographs? We think so.

Character and skills


Kind, loving and affectionate with their masters, the Maltese he is also very attentive to his emotions, and is able to comfort them in difficult times. He is very active and maintains a youthful spirit all his life..

Your attachment to family is so strong that it can be problematic if you are alone too often or for too long. In fact, does not tolerate loneliness well and, therefore, you are likely to suffer from separation anxiety in such circumstances, what can drive, for example, destructive behavior or incessant barking. So, not suitable for a teacher who spends most of his days away from home.

Have him share his home with another dog or with a representative of another species (cat, rodent, bird…) it is a good way to help you better cope with the absences of your masters. But, this is only possible if you have grown up together or if you are used to living with other animals since childhood. In fact, in the event that another animal comes one day to your family, they are likely to be jealous and do not appreciate having to share their master's attention with another animal. In any case, given its small size, it is not advisable to make him live with a large congener, since it could inadvertently hurt you, for example just playing with him.

Its small size and fragile bone structure also explain why it is not recommended to live with young children.. In fact, the latter are quick to have too abrupt gestures towards him, especially during playtime, and could inadvertently hurt you. It also, even if it's not like that, may become scared and overwhelmed when faced with young children who are moving around a lot and making noise, which could cause inappropriate reactions on your part. In any case, a small child should never be left alone with a dog without adult supervision, regardless of race.

Not content with being around family members, the Maltese he's kind to strangers too, as long as I see there is nothing to fear from them. But, this does not prevent you from barking when you perceive a threat or a stranger approaching your home, which makes him a very good alert dog.

The Maltese's need for exercise is very moderate, making it a good breed for older people. Half an hour of activity a day is more than enough, for example, two or three short walks a day and / or small play sessions. But, he also likes dog sports like agility, obedience and rally, but its resistance is limited. In any case, he is always delighted to discover new things and learn new tricks.

As soon as you exercise enough, is quiet, able to adapt to any living space, and is delighted to spend long periods of time with his master, receiving pampering. It is therefore a breed of dog adapted to apartment living., who can be happy both in the city and in the country, in a big house with a garden. But, not made to spend most of the time outside. This is especially true in winter, since its lack of undercoat makes it sensitive to cold. But also the rest of the year, because its small size can make it prey for potential predators (birds Raptors, foxes…), plus the risk of it being stolen by malicious people. In any case, it is not about relegating it abroad, away from his family: accustomed for centuries to living in the heart of homes and loving to be the center of attention, you need to live and interact with your family to be happy and balanced.


Unlike other dogs the Maltese need little physical activity, What are good candidates for older people. Hunting mice, and they keep them away from the House.

Taking them for a walk would also serve to make them sociable since they do not require much exercise, adults should keep the weight and the best way to do this is by controlling what you eat and taking them for a walk. We must pay attention to the hair, and the help of a dog hairdresser may be required from time to time. You must be careful with approaching other dogs that are very nervous and are uncontrollable.

They can make stunts, How to keep standing on their hind legs for several minutes. Although perfectly adapted to living in apartments for its small size and domestic, love to walk in the open air. To be a difficult race, about all when they are puppies, they require many care. It is recommended to feed with feed, and though loves food human should never be given chocolate, It is highly deadly to this race.


Like any dog, the socialization of Maltese must start at a very young age, period during which it is more malleable and adaptable. It is advisable to make you know as many different individuals and animals as possible, as well as exposing him to all kinds of situations and environments. This is essential for it to be an animal with a good head and serenity in all circumstances..

At the same time, given the very strong level of attachment to their humans that characterizes this breed, teaching the puppy to endure loneliness is part of the priorities of their education, to avoid that the absences of their masters suppose a later problem.

The Maltese he is smart and likes to please his owners. But, sometimes he is stubborn, which can complicate the learning sessions a bit. Ideally, opt for the positive reinforcement training method, since they are not receptive to reprimands and respond much better to stimuli and treats. But, it is important not to abuse the treats or discount them from your dog's daily intake to avoid weight gain.

In any case, you can't miss inappropriate behavior (grunts, barking, aggressiveness, refusal to obey…) when he is young, with the argument that it is small, beautiful and harmless. This would be the best way to make him develop "small dog syndrome", that is to say, get used to doing what you want in any circumstance, and become dominant, aggressive and difficult to live with. So, its owner must be firm from the start and make sure to establish - and enforce- clear rules, long-term constant and applied uniformly by all household members.


The Maltese they are generally robust and healthy dogs.

But, due in particular to the absence of an undercoat, it is particularly sensitive to cold and humidity. When temperatures are cold, should be covered with adog coat.In any case, you are not meant to live in an area where the weather is cold for much of the year.

It also, of course, not completely free from health problems, many of which are common to other small breeds.The conditions to which you are predisposed are:

  • The Hip Dysplasia, joint malformation whose appearance can be enhanced by a hereditary predisposition, produces pain and lameness in the hips and causes the appearance ofosteoarthritiswhen the animal gets old;
  • The dislocation of the patella (or dislocation of the patella), common in dogs. It occurs when the kneecap moves in or out of the knee and can cause pain or lameness of varying degrees of severity. In the most severe cases, an operation is necessary;
  • The tracheal collapse, a respiratory disease that mainly affectssmall dogsand corresponds to a reduction in the diameter of the trachea. The most common sign is a dry and chronic cough, but it can also cause great shortness of breath. If necessary, it may be necessary to place a prosthesis;
  • The cryptorchidism, often a hereditary defect that prevents the animal's testicles from descending into the scrotum. The only solution then is to remove them surgically to avoid further complications, which leads to the sterilization of the animal;
  • Congenital portosystemic derivation, a vascular abnormality that can cause growth retardation, weight loss or even neurological problems and / or digestive.In some people, the symptoms are subtle, which makes the diagnosis of the disease later. This pathology, whose cause may be hereditary, can be cured by surgical intervention;
  • Hydrocephalus, a disease of nervous system in dogs.Symptoms vary from individual to individual (bulging head, growth retardation, nervous disorders, etc.), but the vital prognosis is never very good;
  • shaking dog syndrome, a disease that mainly affects small dogs in white coats. It consists of inflammation of the cerebellum and causes attacks of involuntary tremors throughout the body and lack of coordination. The symptoms usually begin to appear between the 9 months and 2 years and can be reduced, or even disappear, with drug treatment;
  • Hypoglycemia, which mainly affects diabetics and corresponds to a significant decrease in blood glucose level. The symptoms of the problem are loss of appetite, lethargic state, tremors and unsteady gait, in the most severe cases, can lead to coma and then death of the animal, if you are not given sugar one way or another;
  • The Cushing's disease, a hormonal disease whose most common clinical signs include increased appetite, thirst and amount of urine produced, muscle atrophy or the appearance ofalopecia;
  • The gradual retention atrophy, an incurable inherited disease that consistently affects both eyes at the same time, causing retinal degeneration and progressive loss of vision, at night and then day;
  • The glaucoma, an eye disease that can be inherited and causes degeneration of the optic nerve and retina due to abnormally high pressure in the eye. This painful pathology for the animal rapidly evolves into total or partial loss of sight, unless it is attended urgently;
  • The waterfall, It mainly affects the elderly and is a clouding of the lens Causes vision disturbances, up to total loss of sight if uncontrolled, only an operation can allow the animal to regain good vision;
  • The otitis, frequent inflammation indogs with floppy ears.

It also, the Maltese is easily susceptible to obesity, that can cause or aggravate many existing pathologies, and therefore have a very negative impact on your health. This is all the more true as it constitutes a vicious circle., because an overweight dog becomes less active and, Therefore, being overweight tends to increase.

Finally, even if it is not strictly speaking a disease, is also subject to reverse sneezing (or reverse sneezing).This is manifested by short-lived seizures during which you make loud noises when you inhale that may give the impression that you are choking. Seizures are usually rare and harmless., if they repeat too often, a veterinarian should be consulted to confirm that it is not another condition.

Although the list of diseases the breed is predisposed to can be terrifying, It must be taken into account that its prevalence is low and that most people lead perfectly healthy lives. This is also confirmed by a study carried out in 2004 by the Kennel Club and the British Association of Small Animal Veterinarians, as old age was found to be the leading cause of death in this breed, on a par with cancer. Cardiac causes rank third and together account for more than half of the observed deaths.

The number of diseases to which the breed is predisposed that are or may be hereditary, choosing acreator of Malteseshould not be left to chance: directly influences the probability of obtaining a healthy animal and that it continues to be so., in addition to ensuring thepuppy socialization from its first weeks, A serious breeder refrains from reproducing an individual capable of transmitting a hereditary affection to all or part of his offspring., must be able to present the results of DNA tests performed to parents (and possibly the young) and that they demonstrate that they are free from hereditary defects., it is better not to take unnecessary risks and turn to another breeder., You must also provide a certificate of good health established by a veterinarian as well as details of the vaccinations received, recorded in the puppy's health or vaccination registry.

Later, it is strongly recommended not to make him make prolonged or excessively intense physical efforts during his growth, period when your bones and joints are still very fragile. You would risk injury or malformations, potentially with lifelong consequences. This is even more important because you are predisposed to various joint problems:dislocation of the patella,Hip Dysplasia,etc.

Finally, like any dog, should be taken at least once a year to the vet for a complete checkup, that sometimes you can detect a problem that is still embryonic and treat it as best as possible.It is also an opportunity to perform the necessary booster injections.. At the same time, to prevent the risk of parasites and the multiple diseases that accompany them, your teacher should make sure to renew your deworming treatments throughout the year, whenever necessary.

Life expectancy

15 years


The coat of the Maltese requires a lot of daily care. In fact, to avoid knots and keep it clean and shiny, it is advisable to brush it every day with a special brush or glove and use a detangling and revitalizing spray. But, the absence of undercoat means that it is not subject to seasonal shedding and that it loses very little.

The length of her hair makes dirt build up easily, so it tends to quickly give off bad odors. To remedy it, it is necessary to wash it on average once a month. But, you must not go any further: excessive frequency could harm the balance of your skin, by eliminating the sebum that it produces naturally and that protects it from skin problems. It also, systematically use a shampoo specially designed for dogs, also with the risk of damaging your skin, and avoid wetting the inside of your ears, as they are especially prone to ear infections and other infections.

It is also recommended not to let the hair air dry, but clean it directly with a towel after bathing, so that its coat is beautiful once dry.

It also, to avoid being embarrassed by the length of your hair at eye level, it may be a good idea to tie it at the top of the head with a small elastic band or a hair clip.

So that daily detangling is less heavy, It may also be a good idea to take your dog to a professional groomer every one to two months for a short haircut., or do it yourself, for the most skilled. Helps keep the coat neat, prevents dirt from accumulating on the hair and prevents bad odors, common when the coat is long.

It also, hair between the pads and around the ears and eyes should be trimmed once a month to reduce the risk of infection caused by any small plants or spikes that may be stuck in the fur.

You also have to pay special attention to their droopy ears., since this morphological characteristic increases the risk of infections at this level (otitis, etc.). So, they must be inspected and cleaned once a week, and get into the habit every time they get wet or moisture builds up on them.

The weekly maintenance of your ears is also an opportunity to check that there are no tear stains at the corner of your eyes., due to a blocked tear ducts, a very common problem in Maltese. Then, just clean them with a special lotion or with a cotton pad soaked in physiological serum, and then gently wipe them with a cloth. In case of constant and / or continuous discharge, a veterinarian should be consulted.

Looking at your teeth, they must be cleaned with a dog toothpaste at least once a week, using a toothbrush or finger bowl. This routine is important to prevent tartar buildup and the problems it can cause: bad breath, diseases, etc. The ideal for optimal oral health is even to do it several times a week, or even every day.


The Maltese It is one of the oldest companion dog breeds in the world., fulfilling this function since ancient times. Her beautiful fur, its small size, his friendly temperament and the fact that he is a very calm breed of dog made him a very popular companion for women of high society, as well as many historical figures, both in antiquity and in Renaissance Europe and subsequent centuries. He even had a reputation for healing the sick., or at least alleviate them. In other words, the important place he occupied in his master's life was not new.

In fact, things haven't changed much nowadays, since they are mainly used as companion dogs. But, needs their owners to be present enough by their side on a daily basis, in addition to having time to dedicate to its maintenance.

They are often recommended for people with allergies to dogs, since their lack of undercoat and their moderate shedding make them a fairly hypoallergenic companion. But, keep in mind that no race is 100% hypoallergenic, since all dogs produce dandruff, and there may be quite noticeable differences between individuals, even within the same litter. So, Anyone who suffers from this type of allergy and wishes to adopt a Maltese must first spend a few hours with the proposed animal, to make sure no allergic reaction occurs.

It also, its small size, its shiny white fur, his elegance and graceful gait make the Maltese a must-have in beauty pageants, where he wins prizes very often. But, if you want to expose your dog to a dog show, you better have plenty of time for grooming sessions, since the maintenance of the Maltese coat for this type of event can be time consuming.

Perhaps a more enjoyable way to spend time with him is to train him in various dog sports. In fact, his desire to please his master and his liveliness make him a good competitor in agility competitions, obedience, rally and crawl.

Last, your kindness and kindness, as well as his cheerful and attentive character, make it sometimes used as a therapy dog, since his temperament facilitates contact with the sick.


The price of a puppy Maltese varies between the 650 and 2500 EUR, being the average of about 1600 EUR, without great differences between males and females. Whether in Europe, It is not very difficult to find a Maltese breeder, because they are numerous.

In United States, the offer is wide and the price is similar. You just have to make sure you respect the regulations regarding the importation of a dog from abroad, and keep in mind that transportation costs and administrative fees are added to the purchase price.

Whatever the place, the price difference from one individual to another is explained, in particular, by the greater or lesser conformity of each with the breed standard. The kennel's prestige also comes into play, as well as the lineage from which they descend.

«Maltese» images

Videos «Maltese Bichon»

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Group 9 Section 1
  • AKC – Toy Group , ANKC
  • ANKC Group 1 (Toys)
  • CKC – Group 5 – Toys
  • ​KC – Toy
  • NZKC – Toy
  • UKC – Company

FCI breed standard "Maltese"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Companion dog.

General appearance:

Small in size and elongated trunk. It is covered with very long white hair. He is very elegant and his head posture is haughty and distinguished..

important proportions:

The length of the trunk exceeds by 38% the height at the withers. The length of the head is equal to 6/11 the height at the withers.

Behavior / temperament:

Alert, affectionate, very docile and very intelligent.


Its length is equal to 6/11 the height at the withers. It is very wide and its width barely exceeds half of its length..

Cranial region:
  • Skull: Its length is slightly longer than that of the snout; the bizygomatic width is equal to its length, and consequently greater than half the length of the head. Seen from above it is slightly ovoid in shape; the top of the skull is flat, with a very little marked occipital process. The protuberances of the frontal bones and eyebrows are well developed. The frontal sulcus is not visible, since it is little marked. The lateral faces are slightly convex.
  • Depression links (Stop) : Very marked, forming an angle of 90°.

facial region:

Truffle: It is located in the extension of the nasal cannula and, profile view, its front face is vertical. It is voluminous, with nostrils wide open; It is rounded in shape and its color is strictly black.

  • Snout: Its length is equal to 4/11 of head length; is therefore slightly less than half. Sub-orbital regions are well delineated. Its height is less than the length by a little more 20%. Side faces are parallel, but the snout, seen from the front, It shouldn't look square., since the anterior face is linked to the lateral faces in a series of curves. The nasal cannula is rectilinear, with well-marked grooves in its central part.
  • Lips: Seen from the front, the upper lip forms a very open arch where it joins. It is not very high, and so the commissure is not visible. The upper lip adapts perfectly to the lower lip, such that the lower profile of the snout is defined by the jaw. The edges of the lips are strictly black.
  • Jaws: Normally developed and thin in appearance; They are perfectly adjusted. The jaw, whose branches are rectilinear, It's not even prominent, nor elusive in the previous part.
  • Teeth: The arches are perfectly adjusted and the incisors have a scissor joint.. The teeth are white; the teeth are well developed and complete.
  • Eyes: Open, alert expression, larger than normal; the eyelid aperture resembles a circle. The eyelids are tightly attached to the eyeball, which is not sunken but rather protruding. The eyes are located on the same almost frontal plane, They are dark ocher in color and the edges of the eyelids are black. Seen from the front, the sclera should not be visible.
  • Ears: They are almost triangular in shape, Its width represents around 1/3 its length. They are implanted high above the zygomatic arch. They are not very erect, hanging and touching the lateral faces of the skull.


Although it is covered with abundant hair, the demarcation with the nape of the neck is clearly visible. The upper profile is arched. Its length represents about half the height at the withers.. It is erect and your skin is not flaccid.


Its longitude, Measured from the tip of the shoulder to the tip of the buttock, exceeds in a 38% the height at the withers.

  • top line: It is rectilinear until the implantation of the tail.
  • Cross: It protrudes slightly from the line of the back.
  • Back: Its length comprises around 65% the height at the withers.
  • Rump: In the extension of the dorso-lumbar line, the rump is very wide and long; Its obliquity is 10° below the horizontal.
  • Breast : The thorax is broad and descends below the line of the elbows; the ribs are not too tight. The thoracic perimeter exceeds 2/3 the height at the withers. The region of the sternum is well elongated.


It is located in the extension of the rump, It is thick at the root and thin at the tip. Its length corresponds to 60% the height at the withers. It forms a single large curve whose tip falls between the haunches touching the rump. Tail that bends over one side of the body is tolerated.


  • Former members : Taken together, They are well applied to the body and are well poised.
  • Scapula: Its length represents 1/3 of the height at the withers and its obliquity below the horizontal is 60 to 65 degrees. Relative to the median plane of the body, approaches the vertical.
  • Arm: It is longer than the shoulder, includes between 40 to 45% the height at the withers; Its obliquity below the horizontal is 70%. It is well applied to the body in its upper two-thirds and its longitudinal direction is almost parallel to the median plane of the body..
  • Elbows: They are parallel to the median plane of the body.
  • Forearm: He is thin and has little visible muscle; However, the bones are rather robust in relation to the size of the breed.. It is less long than the arm and measures 33% the height at the withers. His height, Measured from the floor to the tip of the elbow, comprises around 55% the height at the withers.
  • Carpo: It is located in the vertical axis of the forearm; has great mobility; It does not have knots and is covered by a thin skin.
  • Metacarpus: It has the same characteristics of the carpus and, due to its short length, es vertical.
  • Previous foot: It is rounded, with toes well arched and together; center pad and digital pads are black; the nails are also black, or at least a dark color.
  • Later members : Seen in conjunction, They have robust bones and are parallel to each other. Seen from the back, They are vertical from the tip of the gluteus to the floor.
  • Thigh: Its bones are robust and its posterior edge is convex.. It is parallel to the median plane of the body; its direction from top to bottom and from back to front is somewhat oblique in relation to the vertical. Its length reaches about 40% from the height to the withers and its width is a little less than its length.
  • Leg: The groove is barely visible; Its obliquity below the horizontal is 55°. The leg is slightly longer than the thigh.
  • Hock: Its anterior angle is 140°.
  • Metatarsus: The distance from the floor to the tip of the tibiotarsal joint is slightly greater than 1/3 the height at the withers. Its length corresponds to the height of the hock. The metatarsus has perfect poise.
  • Rear foot: It is rounded like the previous one and has the same characteristics.


Uniform, skimming the ground, executed with ease; during trotting the steps are short and fast.


Skin : It is well attached to the entire body; It has dark, wine-red spots, especially on the back.. The edge of the eyelids, the third eyelid and the edge of the lips are black.

open the trunk, of which the configuration continues without opening, nor form locks. Tufts on the forelimbs are allowed, from elbow to foot, and on the hind limbs, from knee to foot. There is no inner coat of hairs. The hair on the head is very long, both on the snout, where it mixes with the beard, like on the skull, where it falls until it mixes with that of the ears. Tail hair falls on only one side of the body, that is, on the flank and on the thigh, and it is so long that it reaches the hock.

  • Color : Pure white. pale ivory is allowed. Pale orange tones are allowed on condition that they give the impression of being spots.. This, However, is not desirable and constitutes an imperfection.

  • Size and weight:

    • Height to the cross: Of 21 to 25 cm in males. Of 20 to 23 cm in females.
    • Weight: Of 3 to 4 kg.


    Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as lack and the seriousness of it is considered to the degree of deviation to the standard and its impact on health and welfare of the dog.

    • Bilateral strabismus.
    • Trunk length, that exceeds 43% the height at the withers.

    serious fouls

    • Visibly bulging nasal passage.
    • Marked underbite, if it alters the external appearance of the snout.
    • Size larger than 26 cm., and less than 19 cm in males, and higher than 25 cm., and less than 18 cm in females.


    • Marked divergence or convergence of the craniofacial axes.
    • Total depigmentation of the nose, or truffle of another color other than black.
    • Upper prognathism.
    • Eyes gazeos.
    • Total depigmentation of the eyelids.
    • Anurismo; brachyurism, so much congenital, as artificial.
    • Curly hair.
    • Any color other than white, except pale ivory.
    • Spots of different colors, regardless of its extension.

    Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities should be disqualified..


    Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. Maltese, Sleeve Dog (English).
    2. Bichon maltais (French).
    3. Malteser (German).
    4. Maltês, bichon maltês (Portuguese).
    5. Bichón maltés, Maltaise, Couton, Mini Maltés, Pulguis (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Montenegrin Mountain Hound
    Montenegro FCI 279 - Medium-sized Hounds

    Montenegrin Mountain Hound

    Even in his country of origin the Montenegrin Mountain Hound it is little spread, in other countries it is practically unknown.



    Although its origins are surely much older, the existence of Montenegrin Mountain Hound (Crnogorski planinski gonič) is attested since the beginning of the 19th century.

    The race, confined to the border region with Greece, has kept its features intact.

    Bred for its ability to work in rocky terrain and scrub, hunt both small and large animals.

    There are two varieties: the Montenegrin Mountain Hound and the “Serbian Tricolor Hound”, that are distinguished mainly by the color of their fur, and both are virtually unknown outside its borders.

    In the past, the Montenegrin Mountain Hound It has sometimes been called the "Black Hound".

    The first standard dates back to 1924 y la F.C.I. officially recognized the breed at its Warsaw meeting on 8 in May of 1969.

    Belonging to the ⓘAmerican Rare Breed Association (abbreviated as ARBA)

    Photo: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1493407

    Physical characteristics «Montenegrin mountain hound»

    Montenegrin Mountain Hound
    Montenegrin Mountain Hound, b&t by Canarian, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Robust medium-sized hounds, well balanced, calm and good-natured, very attached to their master.

    The skull is slightly domed, the muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull, the nose is always black, eyes are dark with a smart expression, the ears are hanging and without folds, their tips are rounded.

    The body is muscular and slightly long. The fur-covered tail is saber-shaped. The pelage is dense, short and with abundant undercoat. The coat is black with brown markings over the eyes, on the muzzle and lower legs.

    Size: Height to the cross 44 to 54 cm..

    Ideal size for males: 49 to 50 cm., ideal size for females: 48 to 49 cm..

    Character and aptitudes «Montenegrin mountain hound»

    The Montenegrin Mountain Hound is bold, smart and calm. They are also particularly agile, resistant and tenacious.

    They are balanced dogs, quiet, kind, loving and obedient, which makes them excellent companions.

    It is often used to hunt hares and foxes, sometimes deer.

    Although its qualities make it a good companion dog, life in the city is not recommended for this hound..

    Videos "Montenegrin Mountain Hound"

    The Montenegrin mountain dog special 08.09.2012
    Specijalka Crnogorski planinski gonic 08.09.2012
    Moans - Montenegrin mountain dog
    Stenci – Crnogorski planinski gonic

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    • FCI – Group 6: Scent hounds, and related breeds. – Section 1.2: Medium-sized Hounds.

    FCI breed standard "Montenegrin Mountain Hound"


    Date of publication of the valid original standard:



    General appearance:

    Agile and solid, medium-sized.


    The length of the body (measured from the tip of the shoulder to the tip of the buttock) and the perimeter of the chest exceed approximately one 10% the height at the withers. The length of the head corresponds to 45% the height at the withers.

    Behavior / temperament:

    This is a well balanced dog, attached to his master, docile and trustworthy.


    Dolicocephalic; the upper lines of the skull and the nasal cannula are divergent.

    Cranial region:
    • Skull : It is longer than the muzzle. In the occipital region, its width is less than the distance between the naso-frontal depression and the occipital protuberance. Seen from the front or in profile, is flat or slightly domed. Its width decreases from the top of the skull to the naso-frontal depression. The frontal furrow is pronounced, while the occipital protuberance is less marked; supraciliary arches are well developed.
    • Depression links (Stop) : Little pronounced.

    facial region:

    • Truffle : Is well developed. It is always black.
    • Snout : It is thick and wide at its base; is shorter than the skull. The desired correlation should be 7,5 : 10. The lateral lines of the muzzle are convergent. The nasal helm is straight.
    • Jaws / Teeth : The jaws are strong and have a regular and complete scissor-shaped bite.. Pincer bite is acceptable. Teeth are well developed and evenly implanted.
    • Lips : Medium developed. They are together and the upper lip slightly exceeds the lower. The corner of the mouth is firm; the edge of the lips is black.
    • Cheeks : Flat.

    Eyes : They have an oval shape, they are slightly oblique and their color ranges from light brown to dark brown. The edge of the eyelids is black.

    Ears : Set high and medium long, they range from thin to moderately thick. They are hanging, they do not present folds and are glued to the head. Its limb has a more or less marked oval shape.


    Is powerfull, oblique, forming an angle of 45 at 50° relative to the horizontal. Its length is almost equal to that of the head. He is thin, muscular and does not present a double chin.


    Is rectangular. Its length exceeds almost a 10% the height at the withers.

    • Cross : Well pronounced. : Muscled, wide, moderately long.
    • Pork loin : He's muscular, solid, not very long. It is well attached to the rump.
    • Rump : Slightly inclined (of 20 at 25° relative to the horizontal); she is muscular, powerful and wide.
    • Breast : It is strong, deep; its height corresponds to between 45 to 50% from the height to the withers and its perimeter exceeds almost 10% the height at the withers.
    • Bottom line and belly : The xiphoid appendix is ​​protruding. The belly is slightly raised.


    Prolongs the line of the rump and gradually decreases from its root to its extremity, that reaches the hock. Carried in a saber shape above the line of the back, it is covered with abundant hair..


    PREVIOUS MEMBERS : Together they are strong, solid, muscular and parallel.

    • Shoulder : The shoulder blade is muscular and well attached to the chest wall. Its length is almost equal to that of the head. Forms an angle of 40 at 45° to the horizontal.
    • Elbow : Solid, well glued to the body. The distance from the ground to the elbow corresponds to 50% the height at the withers.
    • Forearm : Straight, muscular, strong.
    • Carpo : Solid.
    • Metacarpus : Robust, delgado, slightly oblique (until 15% in relation to the vertical).
    • Front foot : Jack's foot. The fingers are strong, together and well arched. The pads are resistant, elastic and black. Nails are always black.

    LATER MEMBERS : Together they are strong, muscular, parallel and solid boned.

    • Thighs : They are powerful and muscular; they are not outgoing.
    • Knee : It is solid and is positioned parallel to the median plane of the body. The knee angle is about 120°.
    • Leg : Muscled. Its length corresponds approximately to that of the thigh.
    • Hock : It is solid and pronounced. Its angulation is about 135 a 140°.
    • Metatarsus : It is powerful and almost vertical.
    • Rear foot : As the front foot.


    It is uniform and elastic, with a good drive from the hind limbs. The movement of choice is an agile and fluid trot.


    SKIN : It is elastic and adheres well to the body. Its pigmentation is dark.

    HAIR : Is short, dense, rough, little thick and shiny. It is well glued and smooth. The undercoat of hair is quite developed.

    COLOR : The base color is black with tan markings on the eyes, muzzle and lower limbs. The tan markings on the eyes are the size of a hazelnut, while on the lateral parts of the muzzle they extend at most to the corner of the lips. Tan markings range from light red, going through brownish red to deep red. A white mark on the chest is accepted, although it is not very desired. Its diameter must not exceed 3 cm..

    Size and weight:

    Height to the cross : It is of 44 to 54 cm.. The ideal size for males is of 49 to 50 cm and females is of 48 to 49 cm..


    Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..


    • Shy or aggressive dog.
    • Upper or lower prognathism; incisor arcade deviated.
    • Missing tooth; the lack of two premolars is accepted 1 (PM1).
    • Very light colored eyes; gaze eyes; different colored eyes; entropion and ectropion.
    • Curled tail, carried above the line of the back or deviated laterally.
    • Colors that are not established by the standard.
    • Any other white mark that is not accepted by the standard.
    • Size greater or less than that accepted by the standard.

    Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..


    Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. Montenegrin: (Crnogorski planinski gonič), Black Hound, Yugoslavian Mountain Hound (English).
    2. Montenegrin: (Crnogorski planinski gonič), Chien courant yougoslave de montagne, Chien courant noir (French).
    3. Montenegrin: (Crnogorski planinski gonič), Montenegrinische Gebirgsbracke, Früher Jugoslawischer Gebirgslaufhund (German).
    4. Montenegrin: (Crnogorski planinski gonič), Sabujo-negro (Portuguese).
    5. Montenegrin: (Crnogorski planinski gonič), Sabueso montañés de Montenegro (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Manchester Terrier
    Inglaterra FCI 71 . Large and medium sized Terriers

    Manchester Terrier

    The Manchester Terrier is a slender dog, light, athletic and with very refined lines.



    The Manchester Terrier it is a dog of Scottish origin, seems a reduced form of the German Pinscher although I have no blood ties with this race.

    The Manchester Terrier could be defined as the modern version of a mouse-hunting dog called ‘Old Black and Tan Terrier‘, It was very popular during the 19th century in the cities of the North-West of England, where - apparently- lived for several centuries.

    Other flows say it also has blood of the Whippet which gives it its aerodynamic appearance with clean lines and a lot of agility.

    In the beginning, the Manchester Terrier was a dog specializing in hunt for rats and rabbits in urban contests, but with the prohibition of these competitions, the Manchester Terrier went on to become a useful vermin controller for those who lived in the country and, later, in company pet.

    But Manchester Terrier since its inception has been townsman, not descended – like other Terrier- field dogs, but that comes from urban dogs whose function was to put an end to the own city vermin: the rat.

    While his presence in the world of canine competitions is not the same as old, Now you can enjoy these dogs in certain competitions.

    Videos «Manchester Terrier»
    Manchester Terrier - Bling
    3 vs 1(Min Pin, Manchester, Rat Terrier)

    The Manchester Terrier began to be called as such in the year 1897 (20 years after its creation).

    It was created at the height of the contests that consisted of killing the largest number of rats, and the race became known as a champion in this discipline. With the prohibition of this practice, the Manchester Terrier suffers a first blow that lowers the number of copies and the popularity of the breed.

    Later he suffered another bump with the prohibition of amputate the ears of dogs (1898). A Manchester Terrier with its ears unclipped looked like, According to its owners, it was not consistent with its behavior and physical power.. This Manchester Terrier began to be increasingly less popularity.

    The third coup led in the World War II, during the race nearly extinct, leaving only 11 copies across England.

    The race begins to recover when a group of enthusiasts decided to form a club to promote the popularity of the Manchester Terrier, although it was only used in exhibitions or as a pet.

    Physical characteristics

    The Manchester Terrier it is a compact looking dog, elegant, solid and well structured.

    The height in the males is of approximately, 41 cm. and in the females of 38 cm.. The weight is proportional to the height.
    Its skull is long, flat and narrow, with a conical shape.

    It has oval-shaped eyes are very bright, small and dark. It has ears of high insertion, small and in the shape of a 'V' that has the tips raised and folded over the forehead.

    It has a short trunk and a compact back, rounded. The limbs are straight and proportionate to the size of the body.

    The tail is not very long, It is thick in the inclusion and is tuned toward the tip, must never exceed the dorsal line.

    It has a layer of shiny hair, glossy, well bushy, smooth, short and very soft to the touch. The color is solid black with bronze spots (Dark mahogany).


    In the United States are maiming ears. This practice was common in England before the Decree of the Prince of Wales that, in the year 1898 banned all amputations.

    Due to the entry into force of this Decree, the race Manchester Terrier lost so much popularity that was on the verge of extinction.

    Unfortunately, despite all efforts of loving breeders of this breed, from then on, the recovery of the breed… was only partial.

    Character and skills

    By having an urban origin, the Manchester Terrier It is an ideal dog for life in a small flat in city. It is a very nice dog that adapts effortlessly to the home life, over all if leave you a hole in the bed or the couch.

    It will be fully happy, If in addition to the overstuffed couch take it to give rides to open field, because he will unleash his hunting instinct and go crazy with joy chasing mice, crickets, lizards…, and all small shabby crossing on their way.

    The Terrier, It is the most suitable to live in an apartment, does not lose hair practically, and by instinct is a clean dog. Learn fast, and in addition fond of children.

    «Manchester Terrier» Education

    Create one Manchester Terrier is not easy. His multifaceted nature requires a lot of dog mind and empathy. He is also very sensitive and does not easily forgive injustice and disproportionate punishment.. So, not easy to recommend as a beginner dog. But, if you manage to feel and think your way to your Manchester and thus build a close relationship of trust, a hidden treasure is at your disposal. Especially for its multifaceted nature combined with its intelligence and docility, you can easily master any challenge with it, what could be desired in a full cooperation between dog and man. You need a clear announcement and consequences based on a respectful and loving relationship with your master and lady. Yet Manchester Terrier likes to be raised and seeks cooperation with humans. So, especially with him, much more than with other dogs in general, command and drill are completely out of place and counterproductive.

    Manchester Terrier Health

    The Manchester Terriers They have some health conditions that may be of concern. They include an inherited bleeding disorder called von Willebrand disease, Hypothyroidism, patellar dislocation, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (Toy Manchesters), and eye problems like glaucoma and cataracts.

    Do not buy a puppy from a breeder who cannot provide you with written documentation showing that the parents were exempted from health problems affecting the breed. Having dogs undergo a "vet check" is not a substitute for genetic health testing.

    Remember that after bringing a new puppy home, has the power to protect you from one of the most common health problems: the obesity. Keep a Manchester with a proper weight is one of the easiest ways to prolong your life. Make the most of your preventive skills to help ensure a healthier dog for life.

    «Manchester Terrier» Care

    When it comes to grooming, the Manchester Terrier he's an easy keeper. Although the breed is naturally clean with little dog smell, a bath every three months (or when it gets dirty) in a mild shampoo is a good idea. Brush your elegant coat with a natural bristle brush or glove. Use hair conditioner / polisher to brighten hair.

    The rest is basic care. Trim nails as needed, normally once every few weeks. Brush your teeth frequently with a veterinarian-approved pet toothpaste for overall good health and fresh breath. Check ears weekly for debris, redness or odor that may indicate an infection. If the ears look dirty, clean them with a cotton swab moistened with a gentle, pH-balanced ear cleaner recommended by your veterinarian. Enter the Manchester Terrier in the toilet when he is very young so that he learns to accept it, especially the nail cut, with patience.

    The life expectancy of «Manchester Terriers»

    as a rule, the Manchester Terriers they enjoy a long life as dogs, often more than 12, sometimes more than 15 years. But, a prerequisite is that they come from a healthy upbringing.

    Comprar «Manchester Terrier»

    You should take a closer look at the breed and visit a breeder well before you buy.. The best way to buy your Manchester Terrier puppy is to buy it from a breeder who is a member of an FCI terrier club or can look around shelters. Sometimes there are dogs that come near the Manchester Terrier in type and character. The costs are about 1.200 EUR.

    Characteristics "Manchester Terrier"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Manchester Terrier" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    «Manchester Terrier» images

    Videos «Manchester Terrier»

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    • FCI – Terriers 1 Large and medium-sized terriers.
    • AKC – Terriers
    • ANKC – Terriers
    • CKC – Terriers
    • NZKC – Terriers
    • UKC – Terriers

    FCI breed standard "Manchester Terrier"

    United Kingdom

    Date of publication of the valid original standard:



    General appearance:

    It is a compact dog, elegant, robust and of good substance.

    Behavior / temperament:

    Lively, alert, happy and sporty. Insightful and faithful.



    Cranial region:

    Craging: Long, flat and narrow, level and wedge-shaped, without the cheek muscles showing.

    facial region:

    • Trufa: Glossy black.
    • Horcico: Well filled under the eyes, tapers towards the tip.
    • Bite / Teeth: Symmetrical jaws, with perfect and complete bite, scissor, that is to say, that the inner face of the upper incisors is in close contact with the outer face of the lower incisors. Teeth should be implanted at right angles in the jaws.
    • Labios: Glued.


    • Ojors: relativelysmall, dark and shiny. Almond shaped and should not be prominent.
    • Obars: The ears are small and “V” shaped., implantation well above the skull and falling close to the head over the eyes.


    Fairly long and slim from shoulder base to head; slightly arched topline, without jowl.



    • Itmor: Slightly arched.
    • Breast : Well arched ribs.
    • Línlower ea and belly: Pick up behind the ribs.


    Cut and inserted where the arch of the back ends; thick at the base and tapers to the tip. It should not be carried higher than the line of the back..



    • Hormbros: Clean and well sloped.
    • Antarm: Well upright forelimbs, and well placed below the body. Of length proportional to the body.
    • Pinis previous: Small, hare's half-form, strong and with well arched fingers.

    LATER MEMBERS: Strong and muscular. Hindquarters must not have cow hocks or feet turned inward.

    • Rodinllto: Well angled.
    • Pinis later: Small, hare's half-form, strong and with well arched fingers.


    Straight, free and balanced. The forelimbs are carried forward freely and the hindquarters give it a great push.


    Plink: Tight, smooth, short and bright, hard textured.

    Colorr: Glossy black and lit mahogany fire stains distributed like this: on the head and from the snout to the nose they have fiery hues, the nose and the back of the muzzle are shiny black. A small fire stain on each cheek and above each eye, in the lower jaw and in the throat forming a well-defined “V”. In the Member, the fire color from the knee down, except the fingers which have black striations and a distinctive black spot (like thumbprint) on the foot. On the hind limbs the fire marks on the inside, with a black split at the knees. A fire spot under the tail and around the anus very narrow, so that it covers it. A very faint fire stain on each side of the chest. External fire spots on the hind limbs, commonly called “pants”, they are undesirable. In all cases, black color should not mix with fire and vice versa, but there must be a well-defined division between colors.

    Size and weight:

    Ideal height at the withers:

    • Males: 41 cm..
    • females: 38 cm..


    Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..


    • Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
    • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..

    • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
    • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.

    Itlatest changes are in bold.

    TRANSLATION: Brígida Nestler / Original version: (IN)

    Technical supervision: Miguel Angel Martinez

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. Manchester Terrier (English).
    2. Manchester Terrier (French).
    3. Manchester Terrier (German).
    4. Manchester Terrier (Portuguese).
    5. Manchester Terrier (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Miniature Pinscher
    Alemania FCI 185 . Pinscher and Schnauzer type

    Pinscher Miniatura

    The Miniature Pinscher has much temperament, vitality and is an excellent companion dog.



    It is often thought that the Pinscher miniatura is a German Pinscher small, but it predates that race at least in 200 years. Originally paid for his maintenance as a buzzard in the German pens. It is believed to have been created by the crossing of races as diverse as the Sausage dog, the old german pinscher, the Manchester Terrier and the Italian Greyhound. The result was a spirited and fearless puppy.

    It was very popular in Germany and Scandinavian countries., but it is not surprising that its international star began to grow. The Pinscher miniatura was first registered with the American Kennel Club in 1925 like Terrier for his mouse experience. The Miniature Pinscher Club of America was formed in 1929, and the dogs were reclassified as a toy breed in 1930. In America they were called Pinscher (Toy) until 1972, when they were renamed Miniature Pinscher.

    Today, the Miniature Pinscher ranks 40th among AKC registered breeds, below 17th in 2000. As with many breeds, has changed position at the whim of the public, possibly because he's not the cute little lapdog some thought he would be, or simply because other breeds have captured the attention of the public.

    Physical characteristics

    The Pinscher miniature is the achicada image of the German Pinscher, flawless dwarfism. Its elegant square construction is clearly visible through her short hair, smooth and tight.

    Its proportions are square because it has the same length as the cross height, between the 25 and 30 cm..

    Its weight varies between the 4 and 6 kg maximum, at risk of suffering from the heart.

    The hair is short and smooth, admitting only copies monocolores Red in their different shades and copies bicoloured Black with fire marks.

    Traditionally, the Miniature Pinscher was the tail and ears cut, but now this practice is prohibited throughout the European Union.

    Character and skills

    A small dog with a great attitude and a bigger mouth, the Miniature Pinscher he has no idea he's not as big as a Doberman. Will face any threat, including a dog many times bigger than him. Will try to protect his family, will chase cats out of the yard and sound the alarm whenever he deems necessary, which is constant. And although it will fit in your puppy bag, you won't like to be there. This is a dog with a mind and a will of its own, not an accessory.

    Don't let its designation as a toy dog ​​fool you. Like his older Terrier cousins, the Pinscher miniatura dig, will bark and chase anything that moves, including squirrels, cats and quite possibly other dogs. Unless well-bred and well-socialized – and sometimes even despite such advantages – is prone to being an annoying barker, suspicious of strangers and not very good with children.

    The Pinscher miniatura It can be wonderful with older kids as long as the kids don't mistreat them. Their activity and energy level is suitable for children, and loves to be a family dog. Monitor interactions with young children so they don't hurt the dog, or viceversa.

    Due to his tendency to be protective and territorial, the assertive, proud and stubborn Pinscher miniatura needs a firm and consistent training from the puppy stage to control his bites, as well as any tendency to bark inappropriately. Don't let him get away with bad behavior or he'll quickly become an almost impossible habit to break. It also, like many small dogs, Miniature Pinschers are difficult to house train; firmness and consistency are the keys to success.

    The Miniature Pinscher is innately curious and likes toys that move or make noises. But, it is likely that at some point he will try to eat the toys… will gut a squeaky toy in no time. Flimsy rubber or plastic aren't the best bets for him.

    Start training your puppy Pinscher miniatura the day i bring it home. Even at 8 or 10 weeks of age, He is able to absorb everything you can teach you. If possible, Take it to a trainer when you have between 10 and 12 weeks, and socializes, socialice, socialice. But, Note that many kinds of training puppies require certain vaccinations (such as kennel cough) stay up to date, and many vets recommend limited exposure to other dogs and public places until puppy vaccinations have been completed (including that of rage, distemper and parvovirus). Instead of formal training, You can start training your puppy to socialize at home and among family and friends until immunizations are completed in the puppy.

    Talk to the breeder, Describe exactly what you want in a dog and ask for help choosing a puppy. Breeders see their puppies daily and can make incredibly accurate recommendations once they know something about their lifestyle and personality.. If you are looking for a Pinscher miniatura, look for one whose parents have nice personalities and who has been well socialized since the puppy's first stage.

    Miniature Pinscher Health

    All dogs have the potential to develop genetic health problems, just as all people have the potential to inherit a particular disease. Run, do not walk, from any breeder that does not offer a health guarantee on puppies, to tell you that the breed is 100 percent healthy and has no known problems, or tell you that your puppies are isolated from the main part of the home for health reasons. A reputable breeder will be honest and open about the breed's health problems and the incidence with which they occur in their lines..

    The Miniature Pinscher is prone to some health problems. Here's a brief rundown of some of the conditions you should be aware of.

    Like most small dogs, Miniature Pinscher's knees can be unstable and can come out of position easily, the common condition known as luxating patellas. This is one of the reasons why it is essential to keep your Miniature Pinscher at a proper weight..

    Hip disease known as Legg-Calve-Perthes disease occurs in Min Pins. Causes a reduction in the blood supply to the head of the hind leg bone, which then begins to degrade. The first sign of Legg-Calve-Perthes, the limp, usually appears when the puppy has 4 to 6 months of age. In many cases, treatment requires surgery to remove the head of the leg bone.

    Mucopolysaccharidosis VI, the MPSVI, it is a genetic defect in the way the body processes certain molecules. An accumulation of dermatan sulfate (a complex molecule) can occur in specific areas of the body. Stunted growth, joint damage, cloudiness of the eyes (which may look like waterfalls) and damage to the heart valves are some of the consequences of MPSVI. DNA test can identify affected dogs, carriers and normals. Breeding two carriers can produce affected puppies.

    Other conditions that affect race include diabetes, dislocation of the elbow, congenital deafness and eye problems such as progressive retinal atrophy, glaucoma and hypoplasia of the optic nerve.

    Not all of these conditions are detectable on a growing puppy, and it can be difficult to predict whether an animal will be free of these diseases, so you should find a trusted breeder who is committed to raising the healthiest animals possible. Must be able to produce independent certification that the dog's parents (and grandparents, etc.) have been tested for genetic defects and considered healthy for breeding. As minimum, breeder must have hip and knee evaluations of both breeding dogs.

    If the breeder tells you that you do not need to do these tests because you have never had problems in your lines, your dogs have been vet checked, or any of the other excuses bad breeders have to skimp on their dogs' genetic testing, vaiyase.

    Careful breeders screen their breeding dogs for genetic diseases and breed only the healthiest, best-looking specimens., but sometimes Mother Nature has other ideas and a puppy develops one of these diseases despite good husbandry practices. Advances in veterinary medicine mean that in most cases dogs can still live a good life. If you are going to have a puppy, ask the breeder about the ages of the dogs in their lines and what they died of.

    Not all visits from Pinscher miniatura to the vet they are due to a genetic problem. Due to its size and athletics, broken legs are not uncommon.

    Remember that after bringing a new puppy home, has the power to protect you from one of the most common health problems: the obesity. Keep a Pinscher miniatura with a proper weight is one of the easiest ways to prolong your life. Make the most of diet and exercise to help ensure a healthier dog for life.

    Caring for the Miniature Pinscher

    Miniature Pinschers are very easy to groom due to their short, soft fur. Just use a bristle brush once or twice a week. They lose an average amount, but its small size means less hair is lost than in a larger dog with the same type of short hair.

    Bathe the Miniature Pinscher as desired or only when it gets dirty. With the gentle dog shampoos available now, You can bathe a Miniature Pinscher weekly if you want without damaging its coat.

    As with all Toy breeds, dental problems are common. Brush your Miniature Pinscher's teeth daily with a vet-approved pet toothpaste and have them checked regularly by your vet. Nails should be cut every two weeks; should not hear the clicking of the toenails when the dog walks.

    Characteristics "Miniature Pinscher"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Miniature Pinscher" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    The Miniature Pinscher pictures

    Videos del Pinscher Miniatura

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    • FCI – Pinscher and Schanuezer dogs. Molossian type Dogs and Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs. , Section 1: Pinscher and Schnauzer.
    • AKC – Toys
    • ANKC – Group 1 (Toys)
    • CKC – Group 5 – (Toys)
    • ​KC – Toys
    • NZKC – Toys
    • UKC – Companion Breeds

    FCI breed standard "Miniature Pinscher"


    Date of publication of the valid original standard:


    Pet and home dog

    General appearance:

    The Pinscher miniature is the achicada image of the German Pinscher, flawless dwarfism. Its elegant square construction is clearly visible through her short hair, smooth and tight.


    • The construction should as much as possible appear square in relation to body length and the height to the cross.
    • The total length of the head (from the tip of the truffle to the occipital protuberance) you must keep a relationship of 1:2 with body length (from the cross to the tail insert).

    Behavior / temperament:

    With a lot of temperament, full of life, self-confident, balanced. All this makes it an excellent family dog ​​and for company..


    Cranial region:
    • Skull: Strong and elongated, with the back of the little marked head. The forehead is flat and parallel with the nasal helm.
    • Depression links (stop): Soft, Although clearly defined.

    facial region:

    • Truffle: Well developed and black.
    • Snout:It ends in a truncated crib. The nasal helm is straight.
    • Belfos: Blacks, rest firm and plans on the jaws; the corner of the mouth is closed.
    • Jaws/Teeth: Powerful upper jaw and lower. The bite is scissors, strong and full (42 clean and white teeth according to tooth formula of the dog). You must close properly. Muscles of chewing this strongly developed without forming cheeks that disturb.
    • Eyes: dark, oval, the edges of the acceding and pigmented black eyelids.
    • Ears: erect; bent, high insertion, “V” shaped; the inside edges of the ears rest on cheeks. The ears are directed forward in the direction of the temple. The parallel fold should not exceed the top line of the skull.


    Of aristocratic porte, not too short; without interruption, It should flow harmoniously on the cross; dry, without dewlap and loose in the throat skin. The skin of the throat is firm, without wrinkles.


    • Top line: Slightly descending from the cross back.
    • Cross: It is the highest point of the top line.
    • Back: Strong, short, firm.
    • Pork loin: Strong. The distance from the last rib to the hip is short so that the dog appears compact.
    • Rump: Slightly rounded and imperceptibly through the inclusion of the queue.
    • Breast : Moderately wide, oval cut, deep up to elbows. The apron is especially marked by the tip of the sternum.
    • bottom line: Flanks not excessively gathered so as to provide a nice wavy line along the lower part of the thorax..


    Natural, the goal being to make it Sabre or sickle-shaped.


    PREVIOUS MEMBERS: The forelimbs are, seen from the front, vigorous, straight and placed not too close together. Profile viewed forearms are straight.

    • Shoulder: The scapula is firmly resting on the chest. Well muscled on both sides of the spine of the bone, It overhangs the vertebrae of the column in the thoracic segment. As much as possible well cast and tilted backward, forms an angle of 50º with the horizontal.
    • Arm: Well on the body, strong and muscular; forms an angle of approximately 95º to 105º with the scapula.
    • Elbows: Tight, not rotated or outward or inward.
    • Forearm: Straight seen from front and profile; strongly developed and muscular.
    • Carpo: Strong and stable.
    • Metacarpus: Strong and elastic, seen from the front straight, profile I slightly oblique in relation to the ground.
    • Front feet: Short and round ; fingers pinched each others and arched (cat feet) ; strong pads ; short nails, black and strong.

    LATER MEMBERS: Views of oblique profile, from the back, are parallel and not too together.

    • Thighs: Moderately long, widths, and heavily muscular
    • Knee: Must not be turned neither inward nor outward
    • Leg: Long and strong, sinewy, continuing in a powerful Tarsus
    • Hock: Well angled, strong, firm, not turned neither inward nor outward
    • Metatarsus: Perpendicular in relation to the ground
    • Rear feet: A little longer than the front. Fingers tightened one another well arched ; nails short, black.


    The Pinscher miniature is a m. During the movement the back remains firm and relatively quiet. The beginning of the movement is harmonious, insurance, full of strength, free and good range. It is typical for trotters to have great ground coverage with clean, fluid movement., with a powerful drive and a wide front extension.


    SKIN: Firm throughout the body

    COAT: Short and thick hair, shiny and tight to the body, without bald regions.


    • Unicolor: Red Deer, Jatoba to red oscuro-marron.
    • black and tan: Black hair lacquer with red fire marks to Brown. It is desirable that the trade marks are possible dark, saturated and well-defined. Fire marks are located : on the eyes, on the underside of the neck, in the Metacarpus, in feet, on the inner faces of the hind and the perineum. In the sill, two triangles of equal size clearly separated one from the other.

    Size and weight:

    • HEIGHT AT THE WITHERS (Males and females): 25 until 30 cm..
    • WEIGHT (Males and females): 4 until 6 kg.


    Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation from the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog.

    In particular:

    • Look heavy or light, petizo or patilargo.
    • Heavy or round skull.
    • Wrinkles on the forehead.
    • Short snout, pointed or narrow.
    • Bite in clamp.
    • light eyes, too big or too small.
    • Inclusion of low or very long ears, ears carried different from each other.
    • The throat loose skin.
    • Too long back, collected or soft.
    • Encarpado back.
    • fallen group.
    • Long feet.
    • Amble step.
    • High way.
    • Fine animal hair.
    • eel line, Dark saddle, mantle clear, spotted fur.
    • 1 cm.. above the upper limit of height or 1 cm.. below the lower height limit.


    • Lack of type in the expression of sex (for example female male).
    • Lightweight aspect.
    • Lack of parallelism skull/snout.
    • Amanzanado skull.
    • Elbows rotated out.
    • Hocks rotated inwards.
    • After not quite angled or barrel.
    • Deviations of more of 1 cm.. and less than 2 cm.. at the maximum and minimum heights respectively.


    • Shyness, aggressiveness, evil, exaggerated suspicion, nervous behavior.
    • Any deformity.
    • Lack of type.
    • Lacking bite, upper or lower prognathism, Arcade of the offset incisors.
    • Miss runner in each region as construction defects, hair and color.
    • Deviations of more of 2 cm.. of the upper and lower height limits.

    Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..


    Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..

    TRANSLATION: Lucas Rodriguez Bazzurro.

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. Min Pin, King of the Toys (English).
    2. Pinscher Nain (French).
    3. Rehpinscher, Miniature Pinscher, Minpin, Minidoberman; in Österreich auch unter Rehrattler bekannt (German).
    4. Pinscher miniatura (Portuguese).
    5. Pinscher enano (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Majorca Mastiff (Majorcan mastiff dog)
    España FCI 249 - Molossoid - Dogo

    The Majorca Mastiff is a gentle dog, extremely affectionate with their owners, faithful to his master

    Ca de Bou


    Characteristics "Majorca Mastiff (Majorcan mastiff dog)"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Majorca Mastiff (Majorcan mastiff dog)" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The Majorcan mastiff dog, also known as Majorca Mastiff in Catalan or Perro de presa mallorquín in Spanish, is a fairly old dog whose history remains unclear.

    It is believed to have originated from a number of races, especially the Spanish Mastiff and the Alano, that crossed over the centuries.

    The result of these crosses came to Mallorca in the thirteenth century, specifically in 1229, during the conquest of the island by King James I of Aragon. Some of these dogs remained there and were bred with local dogs.. The resulting individuals turned out to be much less sensitive to heat and adapted very well to local conditions. They began to be used by the local population to monitor houses and livestock.

    It was also in the thirteenth century when the butchers of the island found in the dog an assistant for his ability to control livestock, especially bulls, before and during their sacrifice. In fact, his powerful jaw made him able to keep them immobile by holding them firmly by the nose.

    At the same time, it was also used by the Knights of Malta in battle and to guard the camps. It also, he was unrivaled in his ability to breach enemy camps, which greatly facilitated the assaults.

    In 1713 the Treaties of Utrecht are ratified, which put the island of Mallorca under British rule. The English then introduced their own guard and fighting dogs in the Balearic Islands. Mallorcan dogs were bred with the Bulldog, and the result of these crossings was called "Ca de Bou", which is a translation of the English word «Bulldog» ("bull" means bull) in Catalan. This name reflects the main use given to it. In fact, at the beginning of the 18th century, the bull-baiting, show in which a pack of dogs had to kill a bull, it was widespread and very popular in England, and the English did not stop importing it to Mallorca.

    The Majorca Mastiff they also began to hunt wild boar and deer. It was also used for many years as a watchdog on ships, especially in case of pirate attacks, and sometimes you ate when there was nothing to eat.

    Following the ban on bull hunting in 1835, was limited to two main functions: watchdog and hunter.

    An eventful twentieth century

    In the early 20th century, the Majorcan mastiff dog became better known. The first written record of the breed dates from 1907.

    In 1923, the first representative of the breed was inscribed in the Spanish studbook. One year later, in Barcelona, made his first appearance at a dog show.

    But, its development was greatly hampered by the famines of the decades of 1920 and 1930. Then, like many other breeds, was affected by World War II. Its population declined considerably throughout the period.

    However, in 1946 a breed standard was developed, but it was not recognized by the International Cynological Federation (FCI) until about twenty years later, in 1963. But, by then there were probably no more left Majorca Mastiff pure. It also, the interest of breeders and individuals had largely shifted to other breeds that were expanding rapidly at the time, as the Great Dane, the German Shepherd and the Rottweiler.

    In the Decade of 1980, the Majorca Mastiff, as it was known after the war, actually ceased to exist, especially due to the numerous crosses with Mallorcan sheepdogs (Ca de Bestiar). The latter came from the same region as the Majorca Mastiff and they brought their brindle coat. But, these unions substantially modified the characteristics of the Majorca Mastiff, so that it gradually moved away from the description given in the official standard.

    But, passionate and determined breeders tried to save the breed and ensure that it kept the characteristics as close as possible to the registered standard. They set out to find individuals as close as possible to their ancestors. Two specimens called Tito and Anastasia (father and daughter, respectively), who were the first individuals considered sufficiently similar to the Majorca Mastiff of yesteryear. Its union and crossing with other crossed dogs on the island helped to resurrect the breed from a solid base. But, the number of breeders is still very low and the breed remains confidential. The specimens obtained did not leave the island and were reserved for the national market., where they were highly coveted for dogfighting.

    In 1992 dogfighting was banned in the Balearic Islands, and it was then that the breed began to be exported slowly. The opening to the international market also allowed the introduction of new breeders in the lines, in order to expand the genetic heritage of the breed; they were both subjects of unknown origin with physical traits similar to the race, as hybrids of Majorcan mastiff dog.

    These exports gave rise to numerous hatcheries in a wide variety of countries., where the Majorca Mastiff It is used both as a companion dog and as a guard dog.. In fact, it can be said that it was the export of the breed that almost saved it, since in Mallorca itself it is now only present in very limited numbers.

    The recognition and popularity of the “Majorcan Bulldog Dog”

    In the last decades, the reputation of the Majorcan mastiff dog has increased and their number has grown in many countries, but there is still a long way to go. In fact, its recognition by the main canine organizations in the world is still very partial, which obviously limits its visibility and dissemination.

    In France, in the first decade of the twenty-first century, went from a handful of records a year to about fifty, and then the number skyrocketed in a few years, until exceeding 200 annual births in 2014. Since then, has hovered around this value.

    Further east, countries such as Poland and Russia have welcomed a good number of representatives of the breed since the beginning of its international spread. Some even claim that over the years 90 there were more than 2.000 Majorca Mastiff only in the city of Moscow. This is likely to be unfounded, but the fact is that it was quickly appreciated there, and still appreciated.

    It is also especially popular in Puerto Rico, where there is a prestigious locally developed lineage, which was created from the Spanish champion Chimo and other quality specimens that were sent there.

    There are also several representatives of the breed in Holland, Denmark, Finland and Sweden. But, this is still quite embryonic, as evidenced by the low number of breedings in these countries.

    In United States, the Majorcan mastiff dog It was recognized in 2006 by the United Kennel Club (UKC). But, the other reference organization in the country, the American Kennel Club (AKC), has not yet taken the step. Further north, the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) he doesn't recognize it either. In fact, in North America, both the reputation of the breed and its diffusion are still very low.

    In the United Kingdom, where it was introduced in 2001, it is also not recognized by the prestigious Kennel Club (KC).

    In Spain, not only on the island of Mallorca the Majorca Mastiff is discreet. In fact, the Royal Canine Society of Spain (RSCE), the main canine organization in the country, received less than 50 enrollment requests per year to mid-year 2010, figure that was even reduced to less than 20 at the end of the decade.

    Physical characteristics

    He has a bulky head, solid and the skull is wide. The eyes are oval and somewhat oblique; in the color, the more dark best. The ears are short and played backwards. The body is a massif with included belly. The forelimbs are strong and the tail reaches to the Hock. The coat is short and rough.

    The favorite colors in your order are: the striped, the Fawn and black. In the striped prefer the dark tones in the leonados the intense nuances. The white spots are admitted in the previous members, chest and tolerated up to a maximum of 30 % the surface of the body. The black mask is also supported.

    The Ca de Bou or Majorcan Dogo, It is a dog reserved and suspicious with strangers. It has an extraordinary adaptation, but it is not a dog to place in any hand. Their education and socialization should be initiated as soon as possible because the breed is naturally dominant.

    The care of the fur is a simple weekly brushing and a regular cleaning of the ears and eyes. It is a rustic dog that adapts well to changes in temperature and withstands inclement weather well..

    Character and skills

    Although the Majorca Mastiff it has been used in its history for quite violent tasks, like bull hunting, the slaughter of bulls or the fighting of dogs, he is surprisingly very affectionate and has an excellent temperament. In fact, tends to create a very strong bond with his family.

    They will do anything to protect their family and are very good watchdogs.. In fact, has a strong protective instinct and is very suspicious of strangers. But, although it can be impressive and dissuasive when needed, he only shows aggression when he feels his family is in danger. On the other hand, when dealing with people you don't know, he is always cautious, but he refers to his teacher to determine whether or not they are to be trusted. If the landlord invites someone you don't know to the house, will normally keep distance, but will not intervene in an untimely or even aggressive way. However, good socialization is necessary from an early age to avoid excessive distrust of all strangers.

    Fits well with children, with whom he is patient and kind. He is even-tempered and likes spending time playing with them as much as being quiet on the couch. But, as with any dog ​​of any breed, should never be left alone with a young child without adult supervision. This is especially true because it is relatively heavy and can easily push or knock over a young child..

    On the other hand, the Majorca Mastiff tends to get along very well with other dogs, both with those who share their home and with those who are on a walk. But, if the dog is a male and is in the presence of another male with a dominant temperament, a rivalry relationship may develop. So, it is better to avoid this type of coexistence and to take precautions to avoid any fight when you meet other dogs, in particular doing gradual introductions.

    As they don't have a strong hunting instinct, his relationships with small animals, as cats, rodents or birds, they are usually quiet. If you have to live with them on a daily basis, the ideal is to present them as soon as possible, but his great sociability makes it possible to integrate newcomers into his house even if he has always been the only animal.

    Perhaps because it has been used to being used in so many ways and in so many different environments throughout its history., the Majorcan mastiff dog is generally very adaptable, so much so that it is possible that he lives in a flat. But, for your well-being, it is better that I live in a house with a garden, since he likes to run and exercise a lot. To feel good on its legs and on its head, usually needs an hour of activity a day, which can consist of walks or games in the garden. In any case, long daily outings are essential if you don't have access to a garden. They are always happy to accompany their owners on walks, and are well suited to active and sporty families. An elderly or very sedentary person, on the other hand, may not satisfy your need for activity and would be better off with another breed.

    In addition to participating in the activities of their owners, can, of course, distinguish yourself in various dog sports such as agility, el cane-cross, The tracking, the RCI or the ring. It can even be made to pull a light trolley that the children sit in..

    In any case, considering his past as a working dog, to the Majorca Mastiff he likes to be assigned tasks. These may include, takes his role as guardian very seriously: although it is not necessarily obvious at first glance, always watch out for the slightest noise or movement, and shows great reactivity. In general, Giving him chores to do and keeping him busy is the best way to ensure he thrives..

    Once you are in your right mind, the Majorcan mastiff dog it is quiet and very quiet. He is not one of those who annoys the neighbors, he just barks in his role as guardian, that is to say, when a stranger enters your territory and tries to show you that you better leave.

    Nor is he one of those who let themselves be heard when their owners are not: although he especially likes to be in contact with them, knows how to stay alone without suffering separation anxiety.

    In summary, as long as he is well socialized and educated, and as long as you have enough opportunities to exercise, the Majorcan mastiff dog it is a fairly easy dog ​​to carry. It is even an ideal breed choice for those who wish to acquire their first Molossian type dog., since it does not constitute a danger for his family and he is also very sociable with other animals in general.

    But, this is only possible if the dog's place in the family hierarchy is perfectly clear and, Therefore, if he has a master who knows from the beginning how to position himself as a leader and how to be strict when necessary. Although the Majorca Mastiff it is quite easy to train and handle compared to other similar breeds, still a giant, so it is better that it is in the hands of a person who already has some experience in dog training.


    The Majorcan mastiff dog is an independent and determined thinker. So, can be very overbearing if not confronted by an experienced dog training person, who knows how to show both firmness and consistency to behave as a leader and make his dog understand who is the master.

    So, your education should start at an early age, when it is still more impressionable, to lay the foundations on which the coexistence will be based throughout his life. As such, you have to be firm, but also soft, at the risk of antagonizing him or damaging the quality of his relationship with his owners.

    The latter must also show some coherence: the rules should not only be fixed in time, but also from one person to another, that is to say, everyone should be in phase on what the dog is or is not entitled to do. The dog did not understand why one person allowed him to get on the sofa when another had strictly prohibited it the previous time.

    As long as these conditions are met throughout the education of the Majorcan mastiff dog, things are going well; it is easy to carry and learns quickly.

    This is even more true if your teacher is in charge of organizing small training sessions and asking you to do various things.. In this way, stays focused all the time, instead of boring you and losing your attention with long and repetitive sessions.

    Learning is also easier and more enjoyable for everyone when the owner opts for methods based on positive reinforcement., that is to say, rewarding (with a word of encouragement, a caress, a treat…) good behavior and ignoring bad. In fact, punishment-based techniques quickly frustrate the dog, and an operation based on the constraint, although it may work in the short term, usually limits the prospects for evolution, or even counterproductive - or even dangerous- long-term. The Majorca Mastiff he is not one of those who turn against his master, but if he is brutal with him and uses bad methods, You may end up responding to what you perceive as assault with an equally violent reaction.

    Last, all dogs benefit from being socialized as soon as possible, but this is especially true for the Majorcan mastiff dog. In fact, his developed instinct for protection generally leads him to distrust strangers and, Therefore, to be especially reserved with them. Not the type to get unnecessarily aggressive towards them, but it is preferable to ensure that you do not show an excessive reserve every time a visitor arrives at your house. As such, nothing like making him meet a wide range of people in all kinds of situations from his first months, so that little by little you will better accept the confrontation with strangers. The same goes for exposure to other dogs and animals of all kinds, as well as to all kinds of environments and stimuli (noises, smells, etc.). The sooner and more intensely a dog is socialized, the easier it will be for you to move around in the human world, whatever the circumstances.


    The Majorcan mastiff dog generally in very good health and predisposed to few problems., it is a very resistant dog in general.

    This also applies to temperatures., used to the quite hot climate of the island of Mallorca, it is very resistant to high temperatures., not very sensitive to cold either, although this is really not a common thing in his homeland.

    Among the diseases to which you are particularly predisposed, we can mention: brachycephalic syndrome, which affects dog breeds with flattened nose and short nose. In effect, This anatomical peculiarity notably translates into narrow nostrils and an excessively narrow nasal cavity, which implies respiratory failure, manifested especially during physical exertion and / or in case of strong heat. It can also be the cause of various digestive problems (vomiting, etc.). If the most serious cases must be treated by means of a surgical act to increase the respiratory capacity of the animal, most of those affected live in a more or less normal way as soon as their owner saves them from too intense physical effort (above all, especially when it's hot or humid) and carefully monitor your diet to avoid being overweight (a problem the breed is not particularly prone to).French Bulldog or the Pug;

    • The Hip Dysplasia, joint malformation in which the femur is not correctly positioned in the pelvic cavity of the hip joint, causing pain and lameness, as well as osteoarthritis as we age. Is problem, whose appearance is often favored by a hereditary predisposition, can be treated or alleviated by surgical intervention;
    • The dilation-torsion of the stomach, a problem that particularly affects medium-large dogs. It can happen especially when the animal ingests large amounts of food too quickly. It consists of sudden and excessive swelling of the stomach, that folds on itself;this blocks the evacuation of gases and interrupts blood circulation. Without prompt medical intervention, dog death occurs quickly;
    • The entropion, where the lid of one eye turns inward in contact with the eyeball. This problem can be inherited and causes severe irritation to the eye.. It is quite possible to remedy this by surgery;
    • The ectropion, corresponding to a curl defect of the lower eyelid. Then, the eye is no longer adequately protected, causing more or less severe irritation and conjunctivitis. Once again, this condition can be inherited and can be cured with surgery.

    Although the breed is not predisposed to a large number of diseases, it is important to go to a breeder of Majorcan mastiff dog serious and competent. In effect, this allows the adopted puppy to have benefited from a good living environment and good socialization from its first weeks, but also and above all to maximize the chances that you enjoy good health and the rest. In fact, a serious breeder avoids breeding a dog with a hereditary defect such as Hip Dysplasia., because there would be a significant risk of transmission to young people. If you do not present them spontaneously, as should be the case, you should be asked for the results of the corresponding tests carried out on the parents or the puppy.

    You must also always be able to provide a certificate of good health of the puppy prepared by a veterinarian, as well as a health or vaccination record, that proves that the child has received all the necessary vaccines. Once the animal has returned to its new home, should never be forgotten, during the following months, that is still growing and, therefore, particularly fragile. Thus, until I am about a year and a half, it is important to avoid any physical exercise that is too intense or too long, otherwise your joints or bones could suffer seriously. Or even end up presenting developmental defects that can incapacitate him throughout his life. This is all the more true as Majorca Mastiff is predisposed to Hip Dysplasia.

    Last, even once this growth period has passed and the animal has become an adult, it is important to always pay attention to your health. As such, nothing substitutes for a complete check-up at a vet at least once a year, to ensure that no problem appears that cannot be detected by an inexperienced person. These regular appointments also offer the opportunity to be reminded of your vaccinations., so you never stop being protected. It should also be used against internal and external parasites, so it is up to your teacher to renew your antiparasitic treatments whenever necessary, throughout the year.

    Life expectancy

    11 years


    The Majorca Mastiff it is an easy breed to care for, and this is especially true for their fur. A weekly brushing is more than enough to keep it in good condition. But, not so during moulting periods, in spring and autumn: much more must be done each day, to allow good removal of dead hairs.

    It also, as it is not dirty or smells bad, rarely need a bath. Unless it was especially dirty during an outing or in contact with toxic material, do it 2 or 3 times a year is more than enough. It may also be wise to do this at the same time as your seasonal shedding to save time during these periods., since it removes a good amount of dead hair. In any case, always use a shampoo specially developed for dogs, since the pH of your skin is different from that of human skin.

    It also, although their ears are not especially prone to infection, they should be checked and cleaned once a week to prevent dirt or moisture from accumulating that could cause infection.
    Your eyes are also not immune to infection, so you also have to check and clean them weekly to prevent dirt from accumulating.

    Brushing your dog's teeth is also a good habit that should be established at least once a week, making sure to use a dog-specific toothpaste each time. This helps prevent plaque formation., which can cause serious health problems when it turns into tartar. If possible, it is advisable to opt for an even higher frequency, even daily.

    As for the claws, this adaptable dog wears them down to a greater or lesser extent, according to the activity level of your family and your living environment. A dog that walks and spends a lot of time a day does not need to have its nails trimmed manually, since they file themselves, especially if it is on a hard surface like asphalt. But, if the dog lives in a flat and is not very active, it needs to be trimmed regularly. Too long claws can be very annoying for the dog, especially when traveling. It also, if they break, they can hurt the dog. In fact, as soon as the friction with the hard ground is heard, they have become too long and have to be cut.

    Whether the fur, the ears, the eyes, teeth or claws, grooming your dog requires a minimum of precision and vigilance. If you don't, not only can you fail in grooming your dog, but it can hurt you, or even injure it. So, the first time it is best to seek the advice of a veterinarian or professional dog groomer, and learn from him how to take care of his Majorca Mastiff.

    The sooner you train your dog, the better it will be for the rest of your life.


    Feeding a Majorcan mastiff dog it is not an arduous task: is perfectly fine with a balanced, quality industrial diet. Homemade rations are another perfectly adequate option, as long as they are well composed and, Therefore, are able to meet your nutritional needs. As such, should consist mainly of meat, but they can also contain large bones, remains, vegetables and rice.

    In any case, the amount given must be consistent with his age, your health and the amount of physical exercise you get on a daily basis.

    It also, the fact that it is prone to dilation-torsion of the stomach means that some precautionary rules should be observed when feeding the Majorcan mastiff dog. So, it is essential to divide your daily ration into at least two meals, and that these be taken in stride. It also, should not be preceded or followed by any intense or prolonged activity for an hour.

    Although this breed is not very prone to obesity, it is important to regularly monitor the dog's weight. In fact, no one is immune to sudden and significant weight gain, especially after sterilization. Weighing your dog about once a month will allow you to quickly spot any unexplained deviations, so that you can take your dog to the vet if the deviation is confirmed or even increased during the following measurements. In fact, only a health professional can make a reliable diagnosis and indicate how to remedy the problem, because diet and lack of activity are not the only possible causes of being overweight: it can also be caused by illness or a reaction to treatment.

    Last, like all dogs, the Majorca Mastiff a bowl of clean, fresh water should always be available to you.


    The Majorcan mastiff dog can be found at various prices. In all cases, the latter depend, in particular, of the reputation of the kennel, from the line the pup came from, but also of its intrinsic qualities, in particular of their physical qualities, especially of its greater or lesser conformity and its color.

    In fact, the brindle color is the most sought after in this breed, what can explain the price differences, sometimes substantial, even within the same litter.

    In Spain, the average price of a companion puppy is around 700 EUR. Obviously, like in other places, can be much higher for the best subjects. Those sold with a confirmation guarantee, whose attributes will allow them to be exhibited in dog shows or used as breeders, can reach much higher sums, up to several thousand euros.

    Majorca Mastiff Images

    Videos Ca de Bou

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    FCI , UKC

    FCI breed standard "Majorca Mastiff (Majorcan mastiff dog)"


    Date of publication of the valid original standard:


    Guard and defense dog

    General appearance:

    Race typically molosoid, slightly elongated, strong and powerful. Medium rise, with marked sexual differentiation in cranial volume, higher in the male than in the female.

    Behavior / temperament:

    Quiet nature, that demonstrates bravery and courage, being sociable to the humane treatment and faithful and grateful to its owner. In the work of guard and defense, acts as an unbeatable guardian. At rest he appears confident and self-assured.; being alert, his gaze is penetrating.


    Strong, solid

    Cranial region:
    • Skull: Grand, width, tending towards the square, with a larger perimeter than the size at the withers, essentially in males. Wide front and flat, with well-marked front Groove; front, skull shape belies the occipital. The upper line of the skull and the supranasal line are almost parallel, with slight convergence.
    • Depression links (Stop): Profile, well marked and outstanding. Head on, perceptible only by the superciliary arches that delimit a clear frontal furrow.

    facial region:

    Very strong and prominent jaw muscles, developed up to the average level of eyes, and although it has some wrinkles on the sides of the masseter, It can be said that, in general, of the head do not skin wrinkles.

    • Truffle: Black and wide. Between the Windows you have well defined filter.
    • Snout: Born from the inner corner of the eyes, wide, tapered, Recalling a truncated cone of base profile broadband; with straight and slightly ascending supranasal line. The length of the muzzle must be in relationship 1/3 with respect to the head.
    • Lips: Upper lips are superimposed on the lower half of the snout, where it appears the labial commissure. The top is rather picked, While the lower retracting at its Center, and no they highlight is the lips when the mouth is closed. Oral cavity with marked striae and black gum edges, the rest of your mouth Red.
    • Jaws / Teeth: Powerful JAWS with well aligned incisors, Canine something separate, White complete teeth and strong with bite prognata; without being excessive this lower prognathism, It should be a maximum of one centimeter. They shall never see teeth with mouth closed.
    • Eyes: Large, oval, with opening wide, steep and somewhat oblique, color as dark as possible relative to the layer, without let see the conjunctiva; seen from the front can't see white ; situated low and far apart.
    • Ears: High and lateral deployment, rather small and pitches back and curved, showing the ear ; the guy named rosa. At rest the end of the ear lies at a level below the eye.


    Strong, thickness and provided, at his birth he has a similar to the diameter of the head width ; well linked with the cross. Something loose skin, being a thin dewlap permitted.


    • Kidneys and flanks: Short, relatively narrow and forming an arch pronounced to the rump.
    • Rump: Approximately from 1 to 2 cm taller than the cross, inclined at about 30° from the horizontal, somewhat narrower than the thorax.
    • Chest: Rib something cylindrical, deep up to the height of the elbows, width to the height of the cross, due to the separation of the shoulder blades.
    • Lower profile: Parallel to the ground chest, Belly gently up and collected, never agalgado.


    Implemented low, thick at its root, it thins to its end that reaches the hock, and finished in tip; during rest falls naturally, while in action it arches slightly and is arranged at the level of the dorsal line.



    • Shoulder: Moderately short, some prominent and slightly oblique.
    • Arms: Straight, plumb and separated from each other.
    • Elbows: Separated due to the breadth of chest, but never open.
    • forearms: Well muscled, straight and thick bones.
    • Previous feet: Strong, with fat fingers, slightly round and well United; lightly pigmented pads.

    LATER MEMBERS: Muscled, longer than the previous ones.

    • Thighs: Long ; natural joints.
    • Hocks: Short, straight and strong. Undesirable Spurs.
    • Hind feet: Strong, with fat fingers longer than the previous toes, presenting its oval shaped joint; preferably pigmented pads.


    The typical gait of the breed is the trot.


    Rather thick, firmly attached to the body, except in the neck, It can form slight double chin.


    • HAIR: Short and rough to the touch.
    • COLOR: Striped, black & Fawn, desirable in this order. For the atigrados dark tones are preferable; tawny in intense colors.

    white spots are allowed in forefeet, chest and muzzle, up to a maximum total of a 30%. Also supports the black mask.

    Size and weight:

    Height to the cross:

    • Males of 55 to 58 cm.
    • females of 52 to 55 cm..


    • In males ranges from the 35 to 38 kg
    • In females ranges from the 30 to 34 kg.


    Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..


    • Individuals whose height at the withers is higher than the rump.
    • Inferior prognathism that is greater than one centimeter.
    • Scissor bite, or clip.
    • Lack of two premolars.
    • Individuals who do not have ears in pink, This is glued together and flat ears to the face ; and with ears erect on its base, still being in pink in its final third.
    • Queue type bulldog.
    • Any other fault that its gravity apart from the standard.


    • Aggressive or fearful dog.
    • Upper prognathism.
    • Eyes clear and yellow.
    • Amputated ears or tail.
    • White color more of 30% in parts of the body that are not above feet, chest and muzzle.
    • Any other colouring stains.


    • Weight 36 kg
    • Height at Croup 58 cm.
    • Height in cross 56 cm.
    • Chest perimeter 78 cm.
    • Head circumference 59,5 cm.
    • Distance occipital to the birth of the tail 73 cm.
    • Distance of the occipital to snout 22 cm.
    • Distance from the muzzle to the frontal trough 8 cm.

    Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..


    Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. Mallorquin Mastiff, Mallorquin Bulldog, Silverback (English).
    2. Dogue de Majorque (French).
    3. Ca de Bou (German).
    4. Ca de bou, Dogo maiorquino (Portuguese).
    5. Dogo mallorquín, perro de presa mallorquín, Presa mallorquín (español).